
Hvilan SFI – part of Tora Vega Folkhögskola

The Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) course is offered to newcomers to Sweden with a residence permit. The goal is for you to have basic knowledge of Swedish upon completing the course. The instruction consists of 15 hours every week. Depending on your home municipality, you can choose to study remotely, during the day, or in the evening. You will also learn about how Sweden works, such as: how Swedish democracy functions and whether you can receive parental benefits. After completing each course, you will receive a grade.


On the Swedish National Agency for Education’s website, you can read more about what the course contains in your native language.

Info Hvilan SFI

Who can pursue our SFI-courses?

According to the Education Act, everyone who is resident in Sweden and lacks basic language skills has the right to study Swedish for immigrants. If you wish, you also have the right to study at a folk high school if you inform the municipality you live in.

Our main office is located in Åkarp, but we collaborate with the municipalities of Lund, Staffanstorp, and Burlöv.

If you want to study SFI and live in Lund Municipality, you are welcome to contact LundaVälkomsten. Learn more about how, when, and where here.

If you want to study SFI and live in Staffanstorp Municipality, you are welcome to contact the municipality. Learn more about how, when, and where here.

If you want to study SFI and live in Burlöv Municipality, you are welcome to contact us via sfiinfo@toravega.se.

If you are resident in another municipality, contact the study counselor in your municipality and inform them that you want to study at Hvilan SFI or contact sfiinfo@toravega.se.

To pursue further education

The folk high schools in Sweden provide adults with the opportunity to continue their studies. If you wish, you have the opportunity to pursue further education at Tora Vega Folkhögskolan. Perhaps you need to supplement your educational background? In that case, you can study the General Course for 1-2 years in Åkarp or Lund.

If you have a high school diploma and wish to continue your studies at a university, college, or vocational college, you can take the College Preparatory General Course for 1-2 years through semi-distance learning in Lund.

Learn more about our SFI-courses

When do I start?

As soon as your application is approved by the municipality, you will receive a notification of where and when the course will start.

What happens next?

After completing and passing the education, you will receive your course certificate and grade in SFI, which will allow you to progress to further studies or employment. 


Tora Vega Folkhögskola is the principal and provider, conducting its education based on the Regulation (2015:218) on government grants for adult education and has the authority to issue grades for SFI in accordance with the Education Act (2010:800).

More information about the courses

Send an email to sfiinfo@toravega.se

Study pace:
Subject to changes:
Education content and course plans may change. We reserve the right to cancel the education due to, among other things, a low number of applicants, emergency circumstances, or similar. Applicants will be notified via email.

Bitr. rektor/SFI rektor

Jorun Koca Jakobsson

+46 (0)731 50 96 68

Jorun Koca Jakobsson

Bitr. rektor/SFI rektor för Tora Vega Folkhögskola och Vice VD för Tora Vega Akademi AB

Vanligen ställda frågor


Hur söker jag till skolan?

Du ansöker till våra utbildningar via Folkhögskolornas Mina Sidor. Registrera ett ansökningskonto om det är första gången du söker till oss. Har du studerat hos oss tidigare, logga in med ditt konto.


Kan jag få CSN?

Våra allmänna kurser och yrkesutbildningar är CSN berättigade. Se mer information på respektive utbildningssida. Du ansöker om studiemedel/studiehjälp direkt hos csn.se


Hur länge behöver jag studera på Allmän kurs Bas?

Om du vill bli grundläggande behörig till högskola/yrkeshögskola är ett kriterium att du uppfyller omfattningskravet. Omfattningskravet uppfylls efter 1-3 år, och hur omfattningskravet ser ut för dig är individuellt och beror på vad du har med dig sedan tidigare. Denna bedömning görs när du har skickat in din ansökan till Allmän kurs bas. Du behöver studera minst ett år på Allmän kurs för att kunna bli grundläggande behörig och få studieomdöme.